Troubleshooting Your Appliances

This blog is all about avoiding appliance issues, so that you can spend your time and money on other things. Click here to learn more.

Sounds And Your Dryer

3 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

There are many different noises you can catch coming from your dryer. Some of these noises can happen for innocent reasons, but others can mean the dryer needs to be repaired. Learning about the different types of noises dryers can make is important because it will make it easy for you to spot a problem early on that needs to be repaired, so you don't put off a repair and allow things to get worse or even lead to the need for a full dryer replacement. Read More …

Tips To Ensure Your Refrigerator Is Always Energy Efficient

17 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to prevent circuit overloading and minimize your electricity bills, you must practice energy efficiency with every electrical appliance in the house. When it comes to the refrigerator, below are some of the tips that will lead to energy efficiency. Buy An Energy-Efficient Unit Electrical appliances, including the refrigerator, come with different energy efficiencies. An energy-efficient unit does the same job with less electricity as compared to an inefficient unit. Read More …

4 Reasons Your Washing Machine Isn’t Spinning

8 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Spinning is not just an optional function for your washing machine. Spinning is a necessary part of the wash cycle. The spin cycle is what removed all the water from your clothing and gets wet clothing dry enough to go into your washing machine and effectively dry on the line outside without being dripping wet. Spinning also helps wash your clothes and get them clean. When your washing machine is not spinning but is completing all of its cycles, there are four different aspects you need to investigate. Read More …

How To Get A Stuck Oven Door Unlocked After A Cleaning Cycle Is Complete

19 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

It's a shock when you try to open the oven door and it is locked tight. This can happen sometimes after you've run the self-cleaning cycle. The cleaning process raises the temperature inside the oven much higher than normal so food will burn off the inside, and the door locks automatically as a safety precaution and stays locked until the temperature has lowered to a safe point. If you're trying to open the door during the cleaning process, it shouldn't budge, but if the door has cooled down and the door remains locked, that's a problem. Read More …

Mold In Your Refrigerator? How To Repair This Problem

25 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

You're going to find mold here and there in your home at one point or another, but you don't want to find it in your refrigerator. This is where your food is that you are feeding you and your family with. If you've found mold in your refrigerator—that isn't just inside that old leftover container you keep forgetting about—there are things you can check to prevent it from taking over your refrigerator. Read More …

About Me
Troubleshooting Your Appliances

When you remodeled your kitchen, you spent hours checking out different appliances. After debating brands and checking service records, you probably settled on a pair of appliances that you thought would last forever. But now, you find yourself with problems. My blog is all about avoiding appliance issues, so that you can spend your time and money on other things. Check out this blog for information on troubleshooting and servicing the systems of your house so that you aren't left with problems later. After all, who has time to deal with a broken fridge or a quirky washer on a Saturday morning?
